

"Actually, you see with your brain.  Eyes just carry the picture to the brain.  This is why sometimes you read a page in a book without remembering what you read.  Your eyes were looking but your brain wasn't" Did you ever stop to think you are a genius?  You may not have always viewed yourself as a genius, but you really are one.  Every day you do things even the smartest scientists can't do.  Do you know your heart pumps 2,100 gallons of blood through 62,000 miles of blood vessels every day?  Every second 8,000,000 red blood cells are produced.  Forty-five miles of nerves send nerve impulses as fast as 325 miles per hour.  You breathe one pint of air 17 times a minute, about 78 million gallons are taken in over a lifetime, enough to fill the Hindenburg airship on and a half times.  The brain, a 3 lb organ, stores 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500,00 Encyclopedia Britannica, which ...

Hours update for Wed the 26th of Feb and Thur the 26th

Hello everyone I need to move all Wed appointments to Thur afternoon I will be in Thur 9-10 am and 3-6 pm.  I have a meeting on Wed from 3-7 that I must attend and am unable to be here during that time.  Thanks so much for being flexible!!  I love and appreciate you all.

The Uniqueness of You

There is a new system of identification that, according to some authorities, will make PIN #s, passwords and other forms of ID obsolete.  It's called Biometric Identification.  Everyone is familiar with the most common form of ID, the fingerprint.  However, there are others, some even more accurate than fingerprints.  Face technology looks at a scan of the entire face and uses 50 points around the nose, mouth, brows, and jaw.  The weakness of the system is, of course, identical twins, but growing a beard or putting on weight will also alter the facial structure.  The hand, like the face, is also an ID system.  It has unique geometric shapes and sizes.  Most of us are familiar with voice prints and of course, DNA, although the latter is not practical at this time to be used at an ATM or grocery store. The most technical biometric ID used is the iris of the eye.  While the fingerprint has 40 measurable characteristics, the iris has 266. ...

Shift Happens

I know this is not exactly what you've seen on that bumper sticker, but it is the saying I would like to see instead. An old Indian saying goes "If you want to see what your thoughts were like yesterday, look at your body today.  If you want to see what your body will be like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today." How can this be?  Well, we have all heard of the mind-body connection and it is this connection that is responsible for the truth of the statement above. Every second of our existence, we are creating a new body.  Just one year ago, 98% of the atoms in our body were not there.  Deepak Chopra, MD has compared this to us all living inside buildings whose bricks are systematically being taken out and replaced. It has been estimated that we all have roughly 60,000 thoughts per day.  The unfortunate thing is that 98% of the thoughts we have today are the same we had yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. If we now put thi...

Hanging vs Subluxation

In the old west, the mortal punishment of choice was hanging.  Many people mistakenly think that hanging kills by strangling the victim.  This is totally untrue.  Hanging kills the same way misalignments in your spine kill you.  By causing interference to the mind/body connection. When a person is hung, the force causes a fracture of the 2nd bone in the neck, called a hangman's fracture.  This fracture damages the spinal cord.  When the cord is damaged from this kind of force it can cause a complete interruption of the flow of information from the brain to the body and the body to the brain.  This complete disruption is also called DEATH. Subluxation, or spinal misalignment, cause the same phenomenon to occur.  When the spine doesn't function properly it loses it's the ability to protect the nervous system and becomes an irritant by pinching, rubbing, or stretching the spinal cord and nerves.  This caused the same loss of communication be...

Unlimited Money, Unlimited Scruples

The big pharma industry is the most profitable business on the planet.  In fact, it is an industry so profitable, they are able to spend $16 billion (yes that's billion, with a B) on advertising each year. Yes, there are times when the drugs they produce save lives.  I am not disputing that.  However, most of the drugs they produce and market have nothing to do with saving lives.  They are symptom cover-ups and quick fixes for things that healthy living and a positive attitude would correct.  It's a branch of the legal drug trade that I have a problem with.  We now have 1 in 6 adults in this country on Prozac or similar "lifestyle" drugs, we have nearly 8 million kids on Ritalin, we have antibiotics that are overprescribed by over 50% and the list goes on and on. Let's face it.  We have a massive drug problem.  In 1998 the US spent $93 billion on prescription drugs and in the same year spent $96 billion to treat the side ef...