Shift Happens

I know this is not exactly what you've seen on that bumper sticker, but it is the saying I would like to see instead.

An old Indian saying goes "If you want to see what your thoughts were like yesterday, look at your body today.  If you want to see what your body will be like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today."

How can this be?  Well, we have all heard of the mind-body connection and it is this connection that is responsible for the truth of the statement above.

Every second of our existence, we are creating a new body.  Just one year ago, 98% of the atoms in our body were not there.  Deepak Chopra, MD has compared this to us all living inside buildings whose bricks are systematically being taken out and replaced.

It has been estimated that we all have roughly 60,000 thoughts per day.  The unfortunate thing is that 98% of the thoughts we have today are the same we had yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.

If we now put this understanding into Dr. Chopra's statement above, it's as if, even though we are constantly replacing blocks in our building, we keep building it the same way because we only have one idea of how it is to be built each day.  So, we maintain the same level of health.

This is important because it is our thoughts that determine what our lifestyles will be like.  If our thoughts are primarily about decreasing stress, we have little room for thoughts about creating peace.  If they are about how much we hate being overweight, we have little time to spend on thoughts about being fit.  If we worry about things that might go wrong, we don't have time to devote to all the things that could go right.

And so it goes.  Our thoughts create most of the physical, chemical and mental stresses we will encounter each day, as well as what our responses to all of them will be.

This is where the shift comes in.  You go to the chiropractor to get adjusted and correct the subluxations that were created by the stresses you have that are beyond your bodies ability to adapt.

But what is changing in your lifestyle so you can minimize the occurrence of these subluxations? 

Chiropractic care is a teamwork venture.  Our job is to correct the subluxations and your job is to stop making them!  As once was said, if you keep using the same recipe you will get the same cake.

Once you understand the importance of a fully functioning nervous system, and you assume the responsibility of your lifestyle, then SHIFT HAPPENS!

That is when you will begin to see a new building emerge.  That is when you finally begin to manifest the outragous health, happiness and full expression of life that you and your family were meant to enjoy.

The way to begin is to stop thinking about getting rid of what you don't want, and begin creating what it is you DO want.

Instead of trying to decrease the stress in your life, start doing things that actively create peace.

Intead of trying to rid your body of disease, focus on doing things that create health.

Instead of trying to stop judging people, begin loving them more.

All of this will cause a shift from fear to love, from sadness to joy, and from sickness to health by reducing the incidence of subluxations in your life.

Let us begin to create a world where that old bumper sticker becomes totally meaningless and the new thought dominates us everyday is devoted to creating ourselves as everything we were meant to be.


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