"Actually, you see with your brain.  Eyes just carry the picture to the brain.  This is why sometimes you read a page in a book without remembering what you read.  Your eyes were looking but your brain wasn't"

Did you ever stop to think you are a genius?  You may not have always viewed yourself as a genius, but you really are one.  Every day you do things even the smartest scientists can't do.  Do you know your heart pumps 2,100 gallons of blood through 62,000 miles of blood vessels every day?  Every second 8,000,000 red blood cells are produced.  Forty-five miles of nerves send nerve impulses as fast as 325 miles per hour.  You breathe one pint of air 17 times a minute, about 78 million gallons are taken in over a lifetime, enough to fill the Hindenburg airship on and a half times.  The brain, a 3 lb organ, stores 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500,00 Encyclopedia Britannica, which if stacked up would reach 442 miles high.

You do these things and millions of other things because there is a genius inside you and everyone you know.  This genius that is inside of you is called the Innate Intelligence of the body.  This incredible wisdom that is inside you is on the job 24 hours a day, it never sleeps even when you are sleeping.  Could you imagine having to mentally control all the functions of your body at any given moment?  You could never manage all the functions that your body naturally knows how to keep balanced.  The body does everything that Innate Intelligence tells it to do, but how does it get the messages from one part of the body to another?

The body gets its messages from one part of the body to the other by the brain and spinal cord.  In order for our bodies to function at their optimum and constantly heal and regenerate new cells, our brains have to be sending messages throughout the internal telephone lines of our bodies (our nerves) and those messages must properly reach all of our tissues and cells.  The brain uses the nervous system as its vehicle to communicate to all the parts of our body then continues the conversation by sending messages back to the brain.

This delicate internal nerve network in the body is protected by bone.  The spine and its moveable vertebrae protect the nerves in the body and the spine protects the spinal cord, which is the main message delivery center for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body.  It is essential we keep our spines healthy and flexible so it can adapt to stress and so the messages can get from brain to body like they are supposed to.  A happy healthier spine contributes to a happy and healthier life!  No matter what exercise you do, what diet you eat or restful activity you take part in, if the messages from the brain do not reach the rest of the body like they should, you will never be all you can be.  Any interference in the spine directly interferes with the life energy and the information channels in the body.  Interference results in a less flexible spine and nervous system and blocks your ability to be healthy and happy.  People of all ages and all positions in life have interference in their spine at one time or another.

Chiropractors are the only health professionals who are dedicated to the detection and correction of these spinal interferences called subluxations.  Get your spine checked on a regular basis so that genius within you can let you experience a greater body and life!


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